Meetings & Events

Look no further. You’ve found the perfect place for your event.

The Virginian Hotel meets all of your event needs under one roof. With 115 guest rooms & suites, 8,615 square feet of event space, and three on-site restaurants, it’s the perfect location for an event, large or small.

✓ 6 Unique Spaces

✓ On-Site Fine Dining Catering

✓ Impeccable Service

Planning your next event is easy



Tell us your vision

We want to hear all the details — and what would make your event a success.


Select your space

Our team will listen to your needs and assist you in selecting the perfect space and services.


Amaze your guests

Our goal is to make your event the best it can be. We have your back from start to finish.




Take a virtual tour

Walk through our most popular event spaces in 360’, view their floor plans, and make all the measurements you need without leaving the comfort of your home.